Thriving and Surviving Raising Thirteen
Anne Perrottet
Paperback, 137 pages
ISBN: 9781922815057
Retail price: $24.95
June 2022 release
Illustrations and cover by Jen Charlton
Get ready to plunge, fully clothed, into the deep waters of motherhood. With hilarious anecdotes
and clever suggestions, ‘Thriving and Surviving Raising 13’ draws us deep into the great adventure of
parenting a large brood. Anne Perrottet is an Australian dynamo: her book shows how it’s possible to
manifest an abiding love for every child while fostering their sporting spirit, embracing their losses,
and fighting their corner.
Andrea Picciotti-Bayer
Director of the Conscience Project, and mother of ten.
Full of warmth and wisdom, in “Thriving and Surviving Raising Thirteen”, Anne Perrottet takes
us on a very personal journey through motherhood, it’s joys and heartbreaks, its many stretching
moments, its sometimes near despair, and ultimately its rewards - not as an expert, but as a woman -
who like many, are simply trying to do their best and, sometimes, but not always succeeding, yet never
wavering in their determination to give their all for their children.’
Maggie Hamilton
Australian writer and social researcher, who delights in new possibilities
and dreams of an even better future for us all.
Lurking within every seemingly boring home is excitement, romance, and heartbreak. In the midst
of it all is the encounter with God and the opportunity to grow in grace. Those with families of
their own will understand and enjoy the book’s stories and lessons. Those looking forward to the
adventure of marriage and family will receive a better introduction than any catechism can provide!
Very Rev. Paul D. Scalia
Episcopal Vicar for Clergy: Diocese of Arlington
Pastor: Saint James Catholic Church
A heartwarming account of the beauty - and messiness - of life with 13 children that will make
you laugh and cry, and then do it all again. Reading this book made me feel like I was sitting at the
kitchen table with a good friend and hearing about her day. This story of family and faith, through
the triumphs and tribulations, is an inspiration and one you won’t want to miss.
April Readlinger
Executive Director, CanaVox