The European Union
New Leadership and New Agendas
Edited by Stephen Alomes, Robert Mezyk and Sang-Chul Park
Mid-April 2021 release
Paperback, 308 pages,
ISBN: 9781922449511
The European Union faces many challenges today. The global millennium has brought a polycrisis, from the Global Financial Crisis and the great refugee waves to worsening trade wars, Climate Change and the Covid 19 Global Pandemic of 2020-21.
Where does the European Union stand in this maelstrom of change? Is all still well even after seven decades without a major European war and an expansion to 28, except now 27, nations?
In The European Union - New Challenges and New Leadership, editors Stephen Alomes, Robert Mezyk and Sang Chul Park and their contributors explore the external pressures and internal tensions of the EU today: Euroscepticism, including the dramatic manifestation, Brexit; the cultural and moral divides expressed in Polish and Hungarian dissidence; Australian comparisons and connections, including trade, refugee policy and political ideology; security and citizen engagement; regional development challenges and ongoing Balkan uncertainties; the EU as the world’s largest trading bloc as China and the USA embrace trade duels rather than deals.
The authors suggest future possibilities for the European Union even in our ‘interesting times’, positive results rather than a decline of the West after Toynbee or Spengler.
Chapters Include
1. Introduction: The European Union in a Troubled World
Stephen Alomes, Sang-Chul Park and Robert Mezyk
2. The Crisis to end the European Union or ‘Next Generation EU’? – COVID-19 and the European Union
Maren Klein, Chloe Ward, Bradley Davison, Sophie Di-Francesco, Mayot, Debbi Long, Campbell Hughes
3. Turning Back Boats: An Australian example in EU Refugee Politics
Binoy Kampmark
4. Populism and Political Leadership in France and Australia – Emmanuel Macron and Malcolm Turnbull
Stephen Alomes
5. Smart Specialisation: From Concept to Implementation in Hungary
Sarah Howe
6. The Western Balkan Angst: ‘Greater Albania’
Perparim Xhaferi
7. The European Union and the Case of a Rogue Member State
Robert Mezyk
8. The Changing Face of European Security
Rita Parker
9. Trade Conflicts of the two Economic Super Powers: What are the Impacts on the EU Economy?
Sang-Chul Park
10. Aggressive Trilateralism? The Complexification of Australia’s EU and UK Free Trade Agreements
Remy Davison
11. Continuity beyond Brexit? EU Juridification and the Protection of Rights
Russell Solomon and John Erik Fossum
12. Brexit’s Reshaping of Multinationals’ Regionalisation Strategies across Europe and Australia
Gabriele Suder and André Sammartino
13. On Reinventing the Wheel: Responsible Government and the European Union
Charles Richardson