Serving our Communities with Courage and Compassion
Edited by Gabrielle McMullen, Patrice Scales and Denis Fitzgerald
To be truly ‘catholic’ is to find unity across differences. It is to acknowledge that everyone is being made in the image of God. We are unfinished products, glimpses of the divine, symphonies aching for the crescendo! Francis Sullivan AO, former CEO, Truth Justice and Healing Council
We have to learn to persist in our resistance to injustice, to refuse to be cowed into giving up on what we know is wrong, and to call out the interests being served. As Mary MacKillop reminds us: “In our unity under God lies our strength. Dr Ursula Stephens, CEO, Catholic Social Services Australia
Contributors include:
- Jocelyn Bignold OAM, CEO, McAuley Community Services for Women
- Jack de Groot, CEO, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
- Andrew Hamilton SJ, Senior Writer, Jesuit Communications
- Professor Maria Harries AM, Chairperson, Catholic Social Services Australia Board
- Sr Joan Healy RSJ AM, Life Member of Catholic Social Services Victoria
- Netty Horton, CEO, CatholicCare Melbourne and Gippsland
- Sheree Limbrick, CEO, Catholic Professional Standards Ltd
- John Lochowiak, Chairperson, NATSICC
- Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv
- Josh Lourensz, Executive Director, Catholic Social Services Victoria
- Mark Monahan, Executive Officer, Edmund Rice Services – Mount Atkinson
- Dr Ursula Stephens, CEO, Catholic Social Services Australia
- Francis Sullivan AO, Chair of the Board, Mater Group
- Lana Turvey-Collins, Plenary Council Facilitator
- Professor John Warhurst AO, Chair, Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn