Paperback, 225 pages
ISBN: 9781923224520
Feb 2025 release
This book argues that, if it wants to survive, the West must abandon universalism, or “multiculturalism”, as it is called in Australasia, North America and Europe. Multiculturalism is a contradiction in terms because the values and rights arising from different cultures are inherently opposed. This incompatibility clearly threatens the survival of Western societies wherever “diversity” – ie the giving of equal power to existentially opposed groups and views – is permitted. As so many of our fellow men are political enemies, Westerners would be wise to abandon their obsession with protecting the “rights” of every human being on earth. Instead, they should fight to preserve in their original form the unique and specific Western societies that created the individual, the societies without which there can be neither “individuals” nor individual rights. As Joseph de Maistre observed, ‘Nothing great has great beginnings’. Universal values did not create the West, it was particular Western countries that created what are falsely called ‘universal’ values. It is not ideas that are important, but specific peoples. If you change the population, you will destroy the constitution. That is why Islam and China, the West’s two great rivals, force all the aliens they absorb to erase themselves and become exactly like the Arabs and the Han Chinese. In contrast, the Western ruling class seem to want to erase themselves, their cultures and their peoples to appease often hostile outsiders. How could one describe such self-destruction-fixated white folk but as ‘suicide blondes’? The Oxford English Dictionary tells us that the term ‘suicide blonde’ arose in the 1910s when advances in chemistry allowed women ‘to dye by their own hand’ and to kill off the brunettes and raven-haired beauties they had once been so they could emerge with hair as golden as Marie-Antoinette’s. This book argues that we should force all the non-Westerners who want to live with us to become ‘suicide blondes’, too. The price they must pay to enjoy the West is to erase what they were before and become purely Western in their loyalties. Harry Cummins is an Australian teacher and journalist who has worked in Western Europe, Russia, Latin America and the Caucasus. “Townsville”, his book of poems, was published by William Heinemann in 1995 and “Magnetic Island”, his novel, was issued by Connor Court in 2019.