Robert Pascoe
BA Hons (Melb), PhD (Murd), Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)
Dean Laureate and Professor of History
Robert Pascoe joined the university in 1984 and became the Foundation Dean of Arts, a role he filled for 17 years. From 1998 to 2002 he was also the Head of St Albans Campus. He is the author, co-author or editor of three dozen books and technical reports in Australian history, Italian migration, World History, and university education.
Pascoe, R 2013, World History, vol. 1: People and Their Gods, Connor Court, Ballan, Vic.
Pascoe, R 2013, World History, vol. 2: Human Destiny in Human Hands, Connor Court, Ballarat, Vic.
Pascoe, R 2012, Nat Bonacci: No Ordinary Australian, Connor Court, Ballan, Vic.