QuestionTime 5: 150 Questions and Answers on the Catholic Faith
Fr John Flader
ISBN: 9781922449320
Pages: 358 Pages
Price: $29.95
Following the success of Question Time 1 – 150 Questions and Answers on the Catholic Faith, first published in 2008, and Question Time 2, published in 2012, Fr Flader here offers yet another 150 questions and answers on everything Catholic: doctrine, the sacraments, moral life, prayer and devotions. They are taken from the author’s popular Question Time column in Sydney’s The Catholic Weekly. The column, now in its twelfth year, also appears in other Australian Catholic newspapers.
The book is written in a balanced, easy-to-read style and contains a wealth of information that will be invaluable for anyone who is interested in finding out more about the Catholic faith or who is in a position to hand on the faith to others: priests, teachers, catechists, parents, RCIA coordinators, sacramental program coordinators, recent converts...
“Fr John Flader’s book provides a useful and much-needed explanation of the faith drawn from the Scriptures, the Patristics and the Councils. Many enquirers in the faith and RCIA members will find the text helpful and informative. It is an ideal complement to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, to which it is amply referenced. I strongly recommend this excellent faith resource.” – Most Rev B.J. Hickey, Archbishop Emeritus of Perth
“At a time when what the Catholic Church believes and teaches seems perplexing, even absurd to many people, there is a need to explain clearly and simply why the Church believes and teaches what she does. We need a new apologetics. Here Fr John Flader offers a presentation of Catholic teaching which shows that, however strange it may seem to contemporary culture, Catholic teaching is the fruit of long experience and deep thought.”
– Most Rev. Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane
Fr John Flader BA (Harvard), DCL (Navarre), was ordained a priest of Opus Dei in 1967 and came to Australia in 1968. He has served as chaplain of Warrane College at the University of New South Wales (1970-1991), chaplain of the University of Tasmania (1992-1997) chaplain of RMIT University (1998-2001), Director of the Catholic Adult Education Centre of the Archdiocese of Sydney (2002-2010), chaplain of Montgrove College (2011-2014) and since 2015 chaplain of Tangara School for Girls in Cherrybrook, Sydney
The 150 Questions in this volume
601 A gender-neutral God?
602 Are the bushfires God’s punishment?
603 Old Testament Jewish feasts
604 More Jewish feasts
605 Still more Jewish feasts
606 The accuracy of the New Testament text
607 Archaeological evidence for the New Testament
608 The Dead Sea Scrolls
609 The Pharisees and Sadducees
610 Who were the scribes?
611 Does Christ bring peace?
612 St Paul making up “what is lacking”
613 Historical evidence for Christ
614 Did Jesus know he was God?
615 Did Jesus behave like God?
616 Jesus the Messiah
617 More prophecies of the Messiah
618 Proof of the Resurrection of Christ
619 The Church is one
620 The Church is holy
621 The Church is catholic
622 The Church is apostolic
623 Fathers of the Church
624 Eastern Fathers of the Church
625 Western Fathers of the Church
626 More Western Fathers of the Church
627 The Fathers of the Church and conversions
628 Dogmas and doctrines
629 The Leuven Project
630 Plenary Councils
631 The Church is hierarchical
632 Decision-making in the universal Church
633 Decision-making in the local Church
634 The sensus fidei
635 A Vatican document on the sensus fidei
636 Practical consequences of the sensus fidei
637 Seventh-Day Adventists and the Church
638 Faith in the Church
639 Prayer for the Church
640 Prayer for the Pope
641 Predestination
642 Pope Francis and hell
643 A new Sign of the Cross
644 What can be blessed
645 Incense in the liturgy
646 Baptism in the early Church
647 More ceremonies of Baptism in the early Church
648 Candles in the Mass
649 Has the Pope changed the Our Father?
650 Receiving Communion kneeling
651 Communion for Protestants
652 Communion in a nursing home
653 The Eucharistic miracle of Santarem
654 The Eucharistic miracle of Amsterdam
655 A Eucharistic miracle in Mexico
656 The seal of confession
657 Would priests violate the seal of confession?
658 The consequences of state legislation on the seal of confession
659 Voluntary priestly celibacy
660 The effects of laicisation
661 The ordination of women and the Plenary Council
662 Weddings not celebrated in a church
663 Convalidation of a marriage
664 The internal forum solution
665 Is divorce on the decline?
666 A right to same-sex marriage?
667 Same-sex marriage: why not?
668 Children in same-sex relationships
669 Blessings for gay couples
670 Can freedom be diminished?
671 Freedom and responsibility
672 The emotions and responsibility
673 The principle of double effect
674 Mortal sin and salvation
675 The indirect voluntary
676 Good and bad fruit
677 The Sunday Mass obligation
678 Embryo adoption
679 When does the soul enter the body?
680 Abortion and a woman’s body
681 Abortion and the death penalty
682 The Pope and the death penalty
683 What is euthanasia?
684 Arguments against euthanasia
685 More arguments against euthanasia
686 The slippery slope of euthanasia
687 Involuntary euthanasia
688 Euthanasia in Australia
689 Attending a person dying by assisted suicide
690 The origins of gender theory
691 Gender theory and the Yogyakarta Principles
692 The power of the gender movement
693 The European Union and the gender ideology movement
694 Safe Schools and Gender Dysphoria
695 Pope Francis and gender ideology
696 Vatican document on gender theory
697 More on the Vatican document on gender theory
698 The attack on the family
699 More on the attack on the family
700 Still more on the attack on the family
701 Defending family values
702 Safe Schools and same-sex marriage
703 More about Safe Schools
704 Attending same-sex “weddings”
705 Humanae Vitae revisited
706 Why is contraception not permitted?
707 Condoms and HIV\
708 Politicians and legislation against the moral law
709 Voting for a “less bad” law
710 Politicians and excommunication
711 Yoga and Christianity
712 Tai Chi and Christianity
713 The value of the rosary
714 The rosary and the battle of Lepanto
715 The rosary and more battles
716 The Infant of Prague
717 Our Lady of Good Success
718 Our Lady of Good Success and prophecies about our times
719 Advent and penance
720 Advent in the Eastern tradition
721 History of the celebration of Christmas
722 Christmas Names and Masses
723 History of the feast of Epiphany
724 Generosity in Lent
725 Sackcloth and ashes
726 Passiontide
727 The history of Holy Week
728 The Easter Vigil
729 The Octave of Easter
730 Easter water
731 The Easter Season
732 Feast of the Ascension
733 Feast of Pentecost
734 Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church
735 Feast of the Annunciation
736 Feast of the Transfiguration
737 Feast of the Holy Name of Mary
738 Holy days of obligation
739 Why devotion to Mary?
740 Do Catholics worship Mary?
741 Is Our Lady Co-redemptrix?
742 Blessed Imelda Lambertini
743 St Rose of Lima
744 St Nunzio Sulprizio
745 St Giuseppe Moscati
746 St Josephine Bakhita
747 St Padre Pio
748 Pope St Paul VI
749 Our Lady of Guadalupe
750 Our Lady of Zeitoun