Edited by Robert A. Sirico
ISBN 9781922815750
Hardback, 240 pages, $54.95
September 2023 Release
The world groans and the Church stumbles. Men fail to act and inspire. To whom can we turn for an example?
George Cardinal Pell. A white martyr with insights into the spirit of
this age and the ongoing crisis in the Church. A skilled administrator
and captivating preacher.
A celebration of a life lived against the world and for the Lord and
His Church that brings together writings from the late Cardinal Pell and
contributions from Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Rev. Robert A. Sirico,
Danny Casey, and George Weigel. (All texts in English, Italian, Spanish, and French).
Rev. Robert A. Sirico, author of The Economics of the Parables and
Defending the Free Market, is co-founder and president emeritus of the
Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Editor’s Note
George Pell, white martyr (Oswald Cardinal Gracias)
Pell contra mundum (Rev. Robert A. Sirico)
The times are out of joint (George Cardinal Pell)
The Catholic Church must free itself from this ‘toxic nightmare’ (George Cardinal Pell)
How to be ‘boringly successful’ at the Vatican (Danny Casey)
On the death, requiem, and courage of George Cardinal Pell (George Weigel)
The right to receive the secret of life and death (George Cardinal Pell)
* * *
George Pell, un martire Bianco (Cardinale Oswald Gracias)
Pell contra mundum (Don Robert A. Sirico)
Il tempo è fuori sesto (Cardinale George Pell)
La Chiesa cattolica deve liberarsi da questo “incubo tossico” (Cardinale George Pell)
Come essere “noiosamente efficaci” al Vaticano (Danny Casey)
Sulla morte le esequie e il coraggio del cardinale George Pell (George Weigel)
Il diritto di ricevere il segreto della vita e della morte (Cardinale George Pell)
* * *
George Pell, mártir blanco (Cardenal Oswald Gracias)
Pell contra mundum (P. Robert A. Sirico)
CÓmo ser “aburridamente” exitoso en el Vaticano (Danny Casey)
El derecho a recibir el secreto de la vida y de la muerte (Cardenal George Pell)
La Iglesia catÓlica debe liberarse de esta “pesadilla toxica” (Cardenal George Pell)
“Los tiempos están fuera de lugar” (Cardenal George Pell)
Sobre la muerte, el réquiem y la valentía del cardenal Pell (George Weigel)
* * *
George Pell, un martyr blanc (Cardinal Oswald Gracias)
Pell contra mundum (Abbé Robert A. Sirico)
Les temps sont disloqués (Cardinal George Pell)
L’Église catholique doit se libérer de ce « cauchemar toxique » (Cardinal George Pell)
Comment être « ennuyeusement efficace » au Vatican (Danny Casey)
La mort, le Requiem, et le courage du cardinal George Pell (George Weigel)
Le droit de recevoir le secret de la vie et de la mort (Cardinal George Pell)