Where to from here?
Edited by James Allan
with contributions from:
Judith Sloan, Brendan O’Neill, Gary Johns, Jim Molan, Roger Franklin, Rebecca
Weisser, Graeme Haycroft, James Allan, Kerryn Pholi, Jeremy Sammut, Lorraine
Finlay, Peter Kurti, Steven Kates, Alan Moran
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 212 pages
Price: $29.95
ISBN: 978-1-925501-35-3
Published: December 2016
What you will find is a variety of
treatments on some of the most important issues facing this country.
True, the overall tone is not one of bubbling optimism. How could it be
with the current state of the Liberal Party in this country? But it does
constitute, with the variety of views and approaches of the authors, a sort of
handbook for how the right side of politics might get back on track in this
country – at least for those of us who do not think that acting as the pale
imitation of Labor is the way to go.
The line-up for this book is as
follows. Judith Sloan considers the economy; Brendan O’Neill tackles
political correctness; Gary Johns writes on inequality; Jim Molan surveys
defence; Roger Franklin goes more big picture and explains the causes for his
anger at the Liberal Party; Rebecca Weisser examines the media in this country;
Graeme Haycroft does the same with industrial relations; James Allan at the
state of play in our universities; Kerryn Pholi writes on Aboriginal Australia;
Jeremy Sammut discusses health; Lorraine Finlay takes on law-making; Peter
Kurti delves into religion and the new sectarianism; Steve Kates scrutinizes
interest rate policy; and Alan Moran finishes the collection off by
looking at energy policy. So fourteen chapters in all, and each one approached
in a different way.
What you have here are top people in their
fields giving you something you will not find on the ABC, namely an outlook and
an analysis that is something other than the bog-standard left-wing perspective
that dominates so much of the airwaves, the newspaper columns, what you find on
social media – and these days, alas, even what some Liberal MPs will voice
inside the party room.
-- James Allan, from the Introduction
The Economy
Judith Sloan
Political Correctness
Brendan O’Neill
Inequality as the Means of Progress
Gary Johns
The Provocation of Weakness
Jim Molan
The ABCs of a Conservative’s Anger at the
Liberal Party
Roger Franklin
Classical Liberalism, the Australian media
and the ghost of Governor Darling
Rebecca Weisser
Industrial Relations Reform Must Follow the
Graeme Haycroft
The State of our Universities
James Allan
Aboriginal Australia
Kerryn Pholi
Health – Opt-Out of Medicare and Opt-In for
Personal Health Savings Accounts
Jeremy Sammut
Getting Back to Basics: Law-Making
Lorraine Finlay
Religion and the New Sectarianism:
Countering the Call for Silence
Peter Kurti
Interest Rate Policy
Steven Kates
Australian Energy Policy: the undermining of
the nation’s interests
Alan Moran