Nick Dyrenfurth
200 pages, $29.95
ISBN: 9781925826678
Getting the Blues is an unsparing take on what many are calling Labor’s unlosable election and presents a bold, passionate blueprint for renewal. Nick Dyrenfurth takes stock of the turbulent last decade of Australian politics and identifies what is really roiling our polity – economic insecurity, seismic cultural change and a shattering of faith in our democratic institutions. In Dyrenfurth’s candid account of the Rudd-Gillard years, the Shorten-era and 2019 federal election, Getting the Blues provides answers to the big questions confronting modern Labor: is it fundamentally broken? Or does the 128-year-old party have the willingness to change and renew itself?
About the author
Nick Dyrenfurth is the Executive Director of the John Curtin Research Centre. A former academic, Labor speechwriter and advisor, Nick is the author or editor of seven previous books, including A Little History of the Australian Labor Party (2011, with Frank Bongiorno), Mateship: A Very Australian History (2015) and ‘A powerful influence on Australian affairs’: A new history of the AWU (2017). He is also a leading commentator, having written for The Age, The Saturday Paper, The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Financial Review, Daily Telegraph, and The Monthly.