Faith, Love and Australia: The Conservative Case for Same-Sex Marriage
Paul Ritchie
Paperback, $29.95, 260 pages approx ISBN: 9781925501131Expected in July 2016
With a final vote on same-sex marriage expected within months, Faith, Love and Australia is a timely book that puts the definitive case for same-sex marriage.Written by Tony Abbott’s chief prime ministerial speechwriter, it argues that same-sex marriage reflects a fulfilment of conservative values rather than a rejection of them.“Allowing same-sex couples to marry is not just a matter of law. It’s also a matter of heart and soul. It reflects a universal hope: to be blessed by family and friends, and to share your life, with its trials and tribulations, laughter and joy, with the one that you love.“The institution of marriage affirms us as people; gives standing to our most significant relationship; and changes our families for the better. It is an institution that points to a better life and helps us answer the deepest question, can I selflessly love another and find meaning and purpose in that love? This is a conservative ideal.”Faith, Love and Australia puts the case that same-sex marriage is good for Australia because it strengthens marriage, affirms families and expands the freedom of Australians. Paul Ritchie was the chief speechwriter to Tony Abbott during the Abbott Prime Ministership.In 2011, Paul Ritchie was the recipient of the Public Relations Institute of Australia’s Golden Target Award for Public Affairs and published his first book “Stay on Message”.Paul Ritchie has completed post-graduate study at the John F Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and the Australian Graduate School of Management.