Edited by Michael Stokes and David Daintree
Paperback, 2016
400 pages, $39.95
ISBN: 9781925501582
The Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies was established in Tasmania in 2013 to raise awareness of ‘the Catholic Intellectual Tradition as an essential component of human civilization’. Each year the Centre hosts a colloquium (a conversation, not a mere conference!) that challenges prevailing aspects of secular thought in a post-Christian world. Here is a full transcript of the papers presented at both the 2015 and 2016 colloquia.
Caution: this volume contains Dangerous Ideas.
‘Really, a young Atheist cannot guard his faith too carefully. Dangers lie in wait for him on every side.’ C. S. Lewis
Chapters IncludeIntroduction to the 2015 Colloquium (David Daintree)
1 Revelation and the ideological usurpation of truth (Tom Gourlay)
2 Christopher Dawson’s response to culture and religion in Christian Latin poetry (Nora Liassis)
3 The Church’s disturbing higher allegiance to Christ: the promise of freedom for all (Campbell Markham)
4 Traction or friction: the Church and the world (Philippa Martyr)
5 Say hello to the new Hollywood (Rocky Mimmo)
6 The contribution of the Christian conception of marriage to Western civilisation (Julian Porteous)
7 The revolution of religion: the dangerous ideas of Christopher Dawson (Karl Schmude)
8 Christianity and the liberal tradition – friends or foes? (Alex Sidhu)
9 Religion and the anti-discrimination movement in law and politics – facing up to the moral challenge (Michael Stokes)
10 In what sort of darkness? A clarification of the Christian understanding of the Act of Faith in response to atheist misunderstandings (Brendan Triffett)
11 A history of Marriage: nature, culture, and the present crisis (David van Gend)
12 Science and the ‘Mind of God’: a new springtime for the Christian view of cosmic history (Robert van Gend)
13 Ridiculed Revelation and the foundational role of Holy Scripture for Western civilisation (Benno Zuiddam)
Introduction to the 2016 Colloquium (David Daintree)
1 Heterosexuality and human identity (Shimon Cowen)
2 Challenges to Christian anthropology in today’s world: a Canon Law perspective (Mark Podesta)
3 “He created them male and female” (Julian Porteous)
4 Gender equality – an Islamic perspective (Usman Rana)
5 The eternal nature of gender in Latter Day Saint theology and its implications (Michael Stokes)
6 John Milbank on sexual difference and the ontology of peace (Brendan Triffett)
7 Pope Francis’s vision of gender (Richard Umbers)
8 GLTG: what’s our problem? (Haydn Walters)
9 “The marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready”: the primary nuptial exemplar (Christine Wood)
10 Marriage: the concept of husband and wife, father and mother. How and why humankind found this a great idea. And why it still does (Sophie York)
11 Woman taught once, and ruined all: Southern African perspectives on New Testament apartheid between the sexes in 1Timothy 2:11-15 (Benno Zuiddam)
David Daintree AM, a former President of Campion College Australia, is foundation Director of the Dawson Centre.
Michael Stokes is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Law School of the University of Notre Dame Australia and an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the Law School of the University of Tasmania. His research interests include abortion law reform, freedom of conscience, same-sex marriage and anti-discrimination law.