Paperback, 268 pages, $39.95
ISBN: 9781922815125
Published in 2022 by Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd under the imprint Shepherd
Street Press. Shepherd Street Press is an imprint of Connor Court Publishing and The
School of Law, The University of Notre Dame Australia, Broadway.
Contributions from:
Thomas Boyle, Michael Dimarco, Lorraine Finlay, Anthony Gray, Gabriël A. Moens AM, A. Keith Thompson, and Augusto Zimmermann
The Covid pandemic has reminded Australians that the federal
government is not the only government in Australia. How should and do
the state and federal governments share power, respond to civil
emergencies, and how should the High Court resolve their differences
when they disagree? Do or should we have freedom of speech in Australia
or can our state and federal governments control what we say anytime
they deem such interference reasonable? Though our constitutional
framers thought our 19th century common law rights and the integrity of
our elected representatives would protect us from executive overreach,
modern practice suggests there is no constitutional protection when
either level of government legislates ‘too far’. And how can we
resurrect the dignity of our First Peoples whom our forebears taught us
to suppress with their ‘White Australia Policy’? Is there no other way
to join them into our modern community without almost impossible
constitutional amendments?
This volume in the Shepherd Street Press series grapples with all of
these questions - and suggests innovative and even provocative answers
to some.