92 pages
ISBN 9781925826746
Release Date: November 2019
Abortion is a woman’s reproductive choice. But every choice has a consequence. These women’s stories illustrate the consequences of abortion. As difficult as it is to retell their stories these women wanted to share them to prevent the suffering of others.
"These stories are potent. Often sad and charged with emotion, yet powerful illustrations of truths that refuse to be suppressed. They point to an abortion culture that silences deep intuitions and keeps loved ones from saying what in their heart of hearts they know to be true. Far too many lies have been told. Yet these stories are hopeful too. Hopeful that healing and restoration are gifts freely given. That wholeness after grief and despair is possible. Hopeful too because they may help others choose life.”
-- Dr Gregory K Pike, Director, Adelaide Centre for Bioethics and Culture
“These stories are heart-rending. They provide further proof that abortion taints everything it touches.”
-- Kathy Clubb
“As hard as it was to relive my story through reading others, I hope and pray this book will be a resource to those who are choosing to make a decision to abort their unborn child.”
-- Jenny
“This book is a wonderful help in paving a way out of despair into hope and healing.”
-- Juli Sharpe, CEO, Genesis Pregnancy Support Inc
“Saving just one baby and mother from the deathly effects of abortion is the most beautiful task in the world. This small book of stories will help.”
--Dr David van Gend, Queensland Secretary for the World Federation of Doctors who Respect Human Life