Binding: Paperback
Page: 202
Serious efforts to change high-risk
behaviors have been conspicuously missing in the effort to control AIDS. Put
another way, there has been little to no primary prevention in HIV/AIDS, in
spite of public and private sectors pouring more money and resources into this
single disease than any other in history… Hanley and de Irala cover the
evidence that has been debated bitterly in recent years and show how fidelity
and abstinence are in fact not faith-based AIDS prevention but evidence-based.
— From the Foreword by Edward C. Green,
Director of the AIDS Prevention Research Project at the Harvard
Center for Population and Development Studies
To Africa’s great misfortune, AIDS
prevention in the countries most devastated has been hobbled by ideology. As
commonly painted, the problem has been rigid religious beliefs standing in the
way of a modern, evidence-based approach. Hanley and de Irala expose how the
international AIDS Establishment is driven by an ideology of its own, one that
reflects a disturbingly negative view of human nature and potential. Rather
than being evidence-based, it has resulted in spectacular failure of AIDS
prevention in Africa. This book shows with eloquence, scholarship, and
compassion that addressing the sexual behaviors that drive the epidemic is
exactly what is needed and what has worked best.
— Norman Hevvvarst, M.D.,
Professor of Family and Community Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology at the
University of California at San Francisco
Matthew Hanley earned a master’s degree in public health from Emory University
in Atlanta in 2000, then worked for Catholic Relief Services until 2008,
traveling extensively in Africa. He currently writes on matters of public
health, ethics, and culture from California, and is a regular contributor to
the online journal The Catholic Thing.
Dr Jokin de Irala is Deputy Director of the
Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of
Navarre, Spain. He has a Master of Public Health and doctorates in Medicine and
Biostatistics and Epidemiology.